Tools for the inside talk more than once

There are variations in domestic violence, as some may already know. Healing is instrumental and monumental. Today, we take a closer look at healing those disrupted by sexual abuse.

Begin gently and lovingly- Like a dove touches down peacefully and sits ever so quietly, so does a person who humbly listens empathetically.

Do not force or push- If someone doesn't want to talk, don't force it- they are not ready. If you persist, this comes across as intrusive, which, that is what domestic and sexual abuse are too.

Healing takes time- Though I left hundreds of times, I finally left the abusive marriage almost fifteen years ago. Healing does wonders and doesn't come in like a slumber party or a church lock-in. This is a time to forgiving, grieving, washing away all the old, and bring in the new (you may say, new what? How about new wineskin).

Gather intercessors during this time to prepare the heart for healing, protection, and restoration- Power-pack, the team with prayer warriors who will pray and speak encouragement and life over you (or someone you know). The more prayer warriors, the more power that is packed in the prayers going to heaven.

Encourage catharsis, the release of emotional tension after an overwhelming experience that restores or refreshes the spirit- Gaining trust from someone is essential to move forward that way the individual feels to open- up to about any heart issues.

Rebuild a sense of justice and comfort: emphasize that it is the abuse that is guilty. Some victims feel they do not have the right to contact others or be sad or angry. "when you are disturbed, do not sin; ponder it….and be silent." Psalm 4:4

Teach about forgiveness: forgiveness does not take away the abuser's accountability. If forgiveness doesn't happen at some point, the abused will always be bound by the abuser's sin (don't want that!).

Encourage (but do not push) the victim to forgive others: The abuser, others who were not there who did not respond appropriately, God, and self. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for cleansing, comfort, to bring to death lies about self, inner vows, old practices in nature, separation of the spirit of the abused from that of the abuser.


 Elijah House Ministries, Counseling Training for the Ministry of Prayer Counseling, pages 49-58.


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