Who Do You Say You Are?

Courageous, worthy, bold, healthy, righteous, truthful, loving, firm, stable, delightful, beautiful, wise, gentle, kind, joyful, sweet, smart, intelligent, peaceful, valuable, heir to the throne, royal, reliable, dependable, diligent, consistent, persevering, trustworthy, eager, humble,

Take a minute and reflect on these positive affirmations about yourself.

It takes a lot of courage to get away from domestic violence. Consider yourself courageous. I would encourage you to read through and get to know the women in the Bible- they are in there for a reason. Who do you think you are most like? You can reply in the comment section or PM me, and I will be happy to expand in conversation regarding this blog and give you further encouragement.

Worthiness is a beautiful word for you to claim and relish in. You are worthy, since the day of conception. You are worthy of respect and honor and much more.

Not everyone is bold in what they need to say or do. If you have left an abusive situation, you are becoming more daring. If you are learning to speak up for what you believe, your boldness is higher. If you are not quite there but are working on it, you are a work of art. God is working boldness in you.

What makes you feel good? The people you are with. The food you eat—the clothes you wear. Perhaps the peace you have in your environment. All are functional areas, and you want to sustain them. These are healthy attributes for success.

Righteousness is the truth. Knowing what is right and lovely. Flip to the Book of Philippians 4:8, and you will see what I'm talking about. Here, you find a plethora of goodness. When you walk in a straight line (righteousness), you know all about the right things. When something doesn't feel right, you will know it. Like now, you know you are in a better place or working toward it.

When do you know what is truthful? O recommend studying the Word of God. Seriously, match it with what the Bible says. Do some investigating and watch your world change if it hasn't already.

Loving is a big word that brings everyone together, isn't it? Maybe not everyone, depending on what side of the tracks someone represents. When you love something or someone, you gain energy and stamina. It's nutrition for your soul. Love brings things to life and soars- yes, like the eagle.

Firmness comes differently for some, but it is highly attainable if you work at it. If you say something, mean it. True, learn the person- test them to see where they come from (what side of the tracks; good or bad)- usually you can tell quickly. However, some are a little suaver, so it may take a bit of time- but not too much time. You add all the pluses and subtract the negatives and find your answer. Firmness is about what you believe or doesn't believe. Why is this (whatever subject) important to you. If you believe in something, stand firm in it. If the others oppose what you believe in and become antagonistic about it, run! You don't need to stay around that person or people, ever. You stand your ground, you have all the tools to do so: Ephesians 6:12-24.

Stable- fixed. You know where you are with life- whether a job, place to live, with your kids, a plethora of things. If you do not, stop and reflect. Write stuff down. What is important to you, and why? Write your pros and cons. Prioritize. While you have made these items known to yourself, pray about them. Ask God to guide you where you need some work. If you don't need help in this area, great!

Delightful- What is the fragrance you leave behind? Peace, confidence, firm, stable, friendly, loving, warm, etc.

Beautiful- Yes, you are gorgeous, inside and out. What is inside? How are you feeling? You are what God says you are, not what others say or don't say. How are you dressing your package today?

Wise- You are a thinker, right? You don't make a split decision in haste, correct? Proverbs directs with careful decision making. If you need help in this area, read through Proverbs in the Bible. If you are already familiar, you know.

By gentle, I mean your spirit. Soft doesn't mean being taken advantage of. It doesn't mean you are sweet and friendly with a sticky on your forehead, and people go, "hmm, what can I do with this." It means you are a lovely person, respecting others and honoring people you don't even know. Gentle is good,  but also, guard your heart against others with a different plan (not of the same spirit).

Kind is more than a type of granola bar. Kind is just what it says. I remember one day, I parked, and a car came up beside me- it was rather close. I signaled the person that drove up next to me that they were too tight, there was no room to maneuver. With that, the person "kindly" got back in their vehicle and moved to another space. That is the best example of kind I could ever think of- who does that? Nature is genuine and lovely and not offensive to anyone. Honest, kind, respectful, and honorable in daily life.

What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? I prefer the first, but the second is healing, too. Joy comes in the morning, isn't that what Lord God says? It's in the Word of God, and I totally get it. I hope you do too, that joy comes in the morning. Satisfaction is different from happiness. I learned that in church, joy is constant, happiness is momentarily sort of, and last with a cup of hot chocolate-thoughts?

Sweet isn't just a Southern Belle, sweet is sweet- like Bambi. Sweet isn't a punching bag, though. Just because you are cute, doesn't mean you are the other side of the sticky pad- got me? Sweet is more of the kind and lovely. Sweet is a great nature to glean and nurturer to others.

Smart, smart, smart. You are a thinker, perhaps strategic, and with cents. Listen to your gut, it'll never steer you wrong. Whoever has told you negative words, you can wash all them off with Psalms 121:2 to the end (I think it's 8), never lets you down.

You are intelligent, keep adding to your tool chest.

Peace is a good, good thing. It's calming and relaxing. When you have peace, you have it all, right? Order is what you want to retain and can do so by staying in the Word of God. Wear it like a Girl Scout patch. Peace is yours.

Value is yours. You are worth a lot. Do you think God would have died for you over 2000 years ago if you were unimportant? Then, He came back to life (in spirit)- so, value is yours. You are valuable. You are on earth for a reason. Use what you love to do to make a difference. God is waiting for you.

You are an heir to the throne. You are God's DNA. Pretty cool, eh? Picture yourself, hanging out with God, what do you think He would say to you? What is He saying now to you? Ask Him for direction and clarity if you need it, He wants you to. Oh, I am excited for you!

Alright, so this is all for now. I hope this blog was empowering to you and a "delightful" read.
Feel free to comment, PM me, or reach out to Women Empowerment Solutions and let's talk.

Women Empowerment Solutions- empowering women from domestic violence


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