How to War No More

As the night progresses and festivities start, Fourth of July rings in freedom & other parts, too.

The last few years celebrating the 4th weren’t in the midst of darkness, but either Canada, inside my home, or again, inside somewhere safe.

Truth is, fireworks startle me like the animals screaming and crying to get away from it all.
I crank up the music and dance until it is over (tonight I’m writing and dancing).

I remember one year, I spent watching the fireworks from my bedroom window because I couldn’t handle all the blasting “booms”, it was too much for me.

So, how long have I been this way? I think for a while. I remember as a child, enjoying the big sparks, shapes, and colors in the sky.

As I grew older in my youth, they were okay, but the sparks in the sky still did not totally turn me on. Of course, Independence Day was always a “big day” and cause for a stellar celebration, just not in the traditional sense for me.

As an adult, I run like the dogs! I feel like I am on a battlefield and need to hide in a cave (my room or somewhere in my house).

I don’t have flashbacks of domestic violence from fireworks, but I’m on my guard, just like an American soldier! Except now, I have my full armor: The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, I shod my feet with the gospel of peace, carry the shield of faith that quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. This all comes from the Book of Ephesians, chapter 6, starting with verse 12.

You might ask how all this helps when disaster or chaos hits. You can surely muster through anything warring when you speak the declarations. In the heat of the space, Father God protects you, as in Psalm 91. Go ahead, look it up and meditate God’s Words and He will see you through. But, remember, it takes, God + your action, equals results.

As I continue to write this blog to you, the blasts are going off left and right, out of sight, holding tight and with the sparky fight of red, white, and blue, yes, all while I am writing.

Bless each of you and be well, and know, God has you! Empowerment is yours.

Women Empowerment Solutions


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