Put your Mystical Magical Prowess on and Buy Yourself a Dress

While working in the café at church, I noticed a woman with a blue and white dress. She was not new to the church, but the "dress" was new to her.

The spark in her eye twinkled across the room. The pep in her step was sharp like a tool digging for more and her persona sweet as fresh fruit.

Her "game" was on, and she did not know. Ready to take on the day, and soon, the week. A countenance filled with life but garnering a dash of "not sure."

She did not notice the changes in her stance- the candlelight she reflected with boasting fragrance permeated the area through the café running off the steps into the sanctuary lobby.

A drape from maybe the neck or collar down to the knees, measured with skill and sewn in grace by designers and seamstresses alike around the world. Dresses help foster beauty and femininity in spirit.

From the floral to pattern, various colors and materials, pockets, v neck styles, buttons, shimmery or lace, whatever the case, dresses bring out the best in a woman no matter what challenges she has had.

Dawn the apparel in versatility, as I have learned from others internationally. A simple style multiplies as a nightgown and creates the flow of joy while comfortable and seamless in your own skin.

Case in point, a tanked dress couples the night away with cozy sleep or with accents pops the day with cheer and a new angle with a pony-tail dangle.

Complete your ensemble how you like.  Let your character shine through polka-dots, zig-zags, or make your own style.

Recently, our First Lady was dressed in a signature style that spoke volumes to my heart. Her dress sported signatures from those who had been abused. Posh and elegant, the dress was a work of art, as is our First Lady, Melania Trump.

Make your dress the way you like and be your own person.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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