Funny how the night moves one-by-one

As Bob Seger sings, "funny how the night moves."

How does your night move, with late nights, working, or restlessness after having come from a domestically abusive relationship?

You have stuff on your mind, how you are going to get to work, pay the bills, take care of the kids and get away from the crazy man you once loved for so long, but he's been working against you; name calling, strategic tactics to manipulate you, and much more.

What is a woman to do? You want peace. You want joy, and there is no reason why you cannot have them both and so much more, so you can have peaceful sleeping nights.

Putting your mind at ease and thanking God for His peace and calling it forth.

https://www.openbible/topics/speaking_things-into-existence This link will help you in every area in your life. Best part is, as you practice, you will start to see a manifestation. Manifest good nights for yourself. Here are bible verses all about peace. Peace will help you to maintain those good days and nights.

Be blessed. Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


  1. Some easy ways to sleep well, eat right & be active during the day. If that doesn't work for you as much as you would like, try some doTerra essential oils. Also, pray for good sleep. What's been keeping you up at night? You need peace- get somewhere that you will have peace.


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