What's up your Sleeve?

You've seen some pretty good movies over time, including the Karate Kid I'm sure, if you have not, I encourage you to watch it.

So, what about your own protection? Are you at a place within yourself that you can easily do that? What kind of equipping tools do you feel you have?

I would encourage you to see what programs are available , perhaps with your local law enforcement, any martial arts academies or centers, maybe even some instruction from the YMCA.

Be encourage and empowered how to defend and protect yourself.

One way that I will mention right off the bat is from the bible. Meditate on Ephesians 6, that is the full armor of God. This is where one is declaring this armor...it's God's armor, so you KNOW it is full power. The you cannot visibly see it, because the armor is in the spiritual realm, it is for everyone.

Now, as I was reading online, I found these safety tips- most I agree with, except how it goes into detail about martial arts, I don't agree with that. I believe martial arts is an excellent way for one to defend themselves and empower women on a big scale.

The 10 Safety Tips Are:

Awareness: Be aware of yourself and your surrounding and potential attackers likely strategies.
So, if you go out to the grocery story in the evening to pick up a gallon of milk and some cereal for breakfast the next day or need to run by an out door ATM, be on the look out ladies.

Use your sixth sense: (Gut Instinct)- Trust this power and use it.

Self-Defense Training: Simulated assault and realistic situations- be prepared!

Escape- Confronted by a predator? Do not leave primary scene (the website elaborates more on this as far as why NOT  (www.powertochange.com).

Your Right To Fight- speaks for itself...what areas do you go for: eyes and groin

Pepper Spray (you better be real fast!)

Home Invasion- Don't open your door unless you know who it is.

Lock All Doors and keep windows up when driving.

A travel tip- Carry a door wedge/ask hotel employee for ID badge before opening door ( doesn't matter what hotel- Hyatt or Motel 6)

Safety in Cyberspace- Confidential

All of  these tips I retrieved online and are by Darren and Beth Laur (www.powertochange.com)

I felt these would be helpful for you ladies out there.

Be blessed and be safe. Women Empowerment Solutions


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