See how 5781 starts a new way on your calendar


When you look at your calendar, you will never see it the same again.

Typically, this time of year, we see the autumn season with leaves changing colors, kids of all ages back to school, and preparing for the upcoming holidays. All this leads into the next year, better known as Rosh Hashanah (starts sundown September 18, 2020).

Revelation 21:5 reflects, God makes all things new, including you.

Deuteronomy 28:3-12 talks about blessings. Blessings are an anointing of God in the release of increase, prosperity, and in substantial multiplication. How's that for the benefits over your life? As I hear this scripture read, I visualize a satiny ribbon on gold paper covering many gifts. All of you are unwrapping as the new year; new season presses forth.

Season, cycles, blessings~ all help us understand warfare of the time, feast, the holy day, specific benefits, and more details.

Did you know the blessing of God is mentioned 474 times in the bible? Look it up and prepare to be amazed. 

If that is not enough as you grow in empowerment from domestic violence, read Proverbs 10:22. 

As you possibly rush to your next thought, know that "Rosh" means the "head of the year."

We are completing 5780, a new decade, and starting 5781 (2021). The enemy has NO power over us- remember, we have authority. Sept 18-20 is a time of celebration of God's book of life.

The day of sound, blasting, Shabbat, shalom.

Rosh Hashanah honors celebration.

So, when you have a moment, celebrate, and have an apple drizzled with honey- symbolic of hope for a new year.

You ladies who have been weathered by domestic violence- a fresh atmosphere is hovering over you now. If you struggle with rejection, resentment, guilt, shame, and feeling unworthy, you are not alone. Also know, your destination is freedom. Freedom from any area trying to weigh you down. You are worthy, and you are valuable. 

Our next support group is tonight at 6p-7p at the Owasso Community Center. We have snacks and gifts and will pray for you and encourage you. God bless you.

Women Empowerment Solutions. Empowering women from domestic violence.

The information here, derived from notes taken on a weekly prayer call usually comprised of a number of ladies, Christian warriors for Jesus Christ.

If you, or someone you know, is looking for a fresh start in life, freedom from domestic violence, reach out to us. #womenempowermentsolutions- a faith-based organization, an encouragement agency.


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