The Voice To Hear; It Takes 1 Or More

Chocolate cake

the 6 a.m. wake

the the dinner steak

oh, and leaves to rake

here comes the cheesy winter casserole bake

for goodness sake 

she changed her mind

going through the inventory find

time to unwind

she’s not blind

been so kind

baby whined

professional and mommy, intertwined

the papers are signed

the table is set, the bread got wet

it’s okay.

Today is your day

you don’t have to wait until May

as long as it’s called today

there is a way

NO matter what other people say

nay-nay does not work

believing in yourself isn’t a qwuirk

you are meant for more

you have greatness in your core

which will open more than one door

shore to shore

you are not a bore

and never have been

whether your introvert or extrovert

you are alert.

You stand tall with God-given authority

your legs are pillars that keep you steady

stamina you own

your voice you hone

and are heard loud and clear

crisp, with your wonderous pitch

words which never go down in the ditch.

Communication disseminates in the atmosphere, in communities where people hear

the wake from your assertion, boldness, courage, confidence

the release of words like the fireworks in July

 With vigor, might and delight

as you exclaim your words, your feeling, your heart

proclaiming and declaring what belongs to you

as you begin to practice and pursue

what is due to precious you.

Glory, revelation, empowerment, kindness, generosity, value, worth & more.

Not purchased in a store 

You ARE the best of the best,

God loves you with zest.

Women Empowerment Solutions-Empowering Women From Domestic Violence


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