Freedom Lights and Activation Plus Five

Empowerment comes like a shining light
Oh, what a delight.
The freedom to make decisions every day
& have it your way.
Expressions for how you feel-
It is a BIG deal.
Confidence for your passion-
It is all about the action.
The Happy Dance has a new meaning
and you do not need weaning.
Glory is yours and open the doors
it is bursting from your pores.
No more domestic violence wars-
Authority you have from day one.
Ominous as the sun
your voice matters.
Tall like ladders to reach the rooftops.
Protection from our cops-
Back the Blue
You know who.
The day has new dew-
Betty Sue and LuLu hug Winnie the Pooh
Stuffed are the animals
Kidswear summer sandals
new-season coming.
You, ladies, are stunning.
Strutting and sporting 
no more hoarding.
Cleaned the closets
Cleared the space
Awww, you can think now
So, you ask how?
No more clutter
don't crave any more butter.
Fresh thoughts for the days ahead
you listen to Godly ideas in your head-
You know He wants good for you
He gives you back what you lost
He paid the cost.
You are empowered & Heavenly showered.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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