Come see what's inside Domestic Violence Awarenss Month


I found this poem I wrote and am sharing it with you today- I think it's fitting.

Sweet little girl

you have grown up

dance and twirl

ribbons you wore

mostly when you were four

and you played nextdoor

ate apples to the core

then you were full and say "no more."

Today, you do the same 

and you have rose in fame

as your life is not lame

you are more than a pretty dame

satiny locks on your mane

you stand and declare and model your hair

steak out and advcocate

you are not late

what's on the slate

you are paid top rate 

in any state

you have someone to stape and collate

much to address

what a mess

nobody needs the sress

stay abreast

with updated information 

for the Oklahoma location

partner up.

A note to you lovely lady. I trust God to "heal" the little girl in you, if that is what you need.

Today, you still have what it takes to do what your desire.

Women Empowerment Solutions- empowering women from domestic violence

Habikkuk 2:2-3 And the Lord answered me and said, "write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon 

tablets that everyone who passes may {be able to} read it easily and quickly as he hastens by.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end of fulfillment: it will not deceive or 

disappoint. Thought it tarry, wait earnestly for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand 

on it's appointed day."

So even if you cannot see your future with your natural eye, keep working on your dream- it's coming to

 pass with some effort on your part. God is getting you ready.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Advocates are E V E R Y W H E R E.

Be sure to reach out to us if you need prayern, encouragement, or anything else. We will do everything

 we can to empower you.

W O M E N     E M P O W E R M E N T    S O L U T I O N S 


We will be at SOMA at Woodlands Hills Mall - 71 & Memorial, Saturday October 10th from 11a until at least 1p- located: 71st & Memorial

We will be a Midtown Yoga (Suite 203- upstairs) on N 145th E Ave in Owasso from HighNoon until 1:15 Saturday, October 17th. Bring a friend, bottle of water, a mask only for entry, then you can take it off- your temp will be taken and there you go....YOGA!


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