Chew on this

Today's message is about hope.

Chew on this story a bit. It captured my attention as I watched it with my husband, and I called out the winner way before she was announced.

My husband wondered how I knew the winner from all the other talented people. I even took 4-pages of notes while watching the reality show, The Partner- because that's what I do, write.

I was hoping to learn and glean new business skills and expand on the ones I have. Boy, did I ever.

The winner, Juli Reed, was exceptional from the beginning, and I already know.

A survivor of domestic violence and you can read for yourself more

Reed nailed it. She is persevering and diligent in her work. One of the areas she had to work on for her new position was assertiveness.

I find most women who come from domestic violence backgrounds need to be more assertive. Not folding because someone says blah or blah or attacking with their words, but holding steady and strong like a pillar, speaking your truth and standing up for what you believe.

So, what are some ways you can be more assertive?

  • Practice saying no; sometimes, it feels super good. 
  • Use your body language.
  • Keep your emotions in check.
  • Definitely, start small.
  • Use 'I' statements. Using "I" statements lets others know what you're thinking or feeling without sounding accusatory.
  • Totally assess your style. Do you voice your opinions or remain silent?

At Women Empowerment Solutions, we hope this encourages you today and gives you a spoonful of inspiration. Just like Mary Poppins sang, "Spoon Full of Sugar."


In every job that must be done

There is an element of fun

You find the fun and snap!

The job's a game....

(Richard Sherman) and there is MORE to the song...but I am stopping for now.

The example above, Juli Reed, reflects you can do anything you put your mind to. Practice, hard work, 

believing in yourself, faith, and action produces phenomenal results.


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