The Eyes and Mouths to See the Other Side

Remember, God is good. He will never let us down. Bread shelves and toilet paper may reflect empty in some stores; however, look for another source.

You are not one to give up, ever, neither is our God.
He will surprise you with His provision. Our God is Jehovah Jireh, he always provides- no matter the problem or the need.

Whether your a fleeing from domestic violence, have already fled, starting on your own, gaining ground in your new life- God is here.

If you are a believer or not, God is here (yes, I said it again). The choice is yours and always has been; freewill.
God has a marvelous plan for you, far beyond your couldn't dream the stuff up!

Keep praising God, and be ye thankful (('m sure you are), the rush of His Holy Spirit is here (this is a good time to ask for increased spiritual eyes in your prayers). You will feel the shift very shortly.

Encouragement is yours. It's everywhere you look despite what the world says. Stay in the Word of God. He will show you. Focus on Him, that's what He asks. The enemy doesn't want you to be encouraged; however, we know who the winner is! Jesus Christ.

Confidence is yours. Take it and do not fling it away, precisely what the Word of God says. (Hebrews 10:35-36 AMP). This means you already have confidence.

Know that your needs are met.

Jehovah-Rapha is HERE! He heals all your wounds.

Stand and declare healing is yours in Jesus' name.
Decree and your mighty God is above all names. The more you decree and declare and believe, watch the "shift" happen. Results might not be in a day or two- but watch for them (yes, them!). Feel the difference, be the difference, know the difference, speak the difference, see the difference, touch the difference, smell the difference, taste the difference, be thankful for the difference.

Now go get some groceries if you need are some resources to help you. NOTHING is going to keep you down!

Helpful Resources for the Tulsa / Owasso Area

Catholic Charities | 918-585-8167| Modified- Hours 9a-2p|Come Early|Call First

John 3:16 Family Ministries | 918-592-1186 (Modified- call by appointment only. Appt. times 10a-2p (3:16 needs proof of addr (utility bill) & DL). * It was also mentioned, Springdale Baptist Church at Pine & Lewis has food on Thursday nights (call them for more details).


Owasso Community Resources
109 N. Birch # 109 | 918-272-4969 | (modified 1:30-6 on Thurs, 10-noon on Fir, M-Weds 11a-2p). Servicing Owasso, Collinsville & Sperry.

First Christian Church 10100 N. Garnett Road | 918-272-9551 | M-F 10-12 (you'll need to call First Christian for any modifications)

First United Methodist | 13800 E 106th St. N. | 918-272-5731 | M-Th 9-12 (modified to calling the church & they will set a bag of groceries out for you)

New Life Assembly of God | 12215 N. Garnett Road | 918-371-5111 | Call for appointment (call New Life for any modications)

Central Baptist Church | 9001 N. 145th E. Ave. | 918-272-3376 | M-Thur 8:00am-4:00pm (modified hours are 10a-2p)

Women Empowerment Solutions- Empowerment from Domestic Violence


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