Hidden treasures in your grocery store

Inspiration comes in a myriad of packages, just look at your groceries.

In search for peppermint tea, I could choose between a couple of different brands.

Read the ingredients- both are the same. Packing is slightly different; one has cellophane wrapping while the other does not. One even has a tagline "pure and simple" and the other, nothing.

Here's the kicker: the story about the company. All about a pony, courage, and ingenuity to "carry on."

In domestic violence cases, often times, its tough to carry on or even move forward for that matter.

Bit by bit, women do everything they know for the best possible life (outcomes) and in some areas, they face as seemingly everlasting obstacles....stuff you've never ever heard or dreamed of...or..maybe you have.

Some women can push through circumstances like a rock star, while others have more difficulty.

There are quite a few women who struggle to move forward from domestic violence for various reasons, I was one of them.

If you are having struggles moving forward from domestic violence, know that you are not the only one and unfortunately, will not be the last....just being honest here.

Even though it takes time to make a new life for yourself, it does not have to take "years"...that part is up to you...but once you "see" and "hear", make the right decisions, and take action, life is more amazing than you could ever have imagined.

One of the areas to look closely into is a support group or two that will encourage and inspire you. Where do you find one of these? First, find a good church that "speaks" to you. A good bible-based church that clearly stands on God's Word. You'll know it when you find it and there are plenty of churches.

You will gain momentum and increase leverage in making necessary life changes specific to where you are now and where you want to go. So, where do you want to go (a life free from domestic violence of course!)?

I am sure that you have desires and goals you wish to manifest, and they will, just believe in yourself.

You can do this, your weaponry is in the book of Ephesians chapter 6, I encourage you to use them. You will be amazed at the difference especially when you are more "discerning" in a plethora of areas, including the grocery store.

Inspiration and encouragement are YOURS, call them forth...just like you call your dog (command them).


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