Hope, Ideas, Motivation, Justice......

What is it to give others hope? To share with them that their life matters and their future is waiting for them, and it is a good one.

Sharing ideas and listening to theirs. No matter where one lives, everyone has some kind of idea. Ideas to prosper and do good. Ideas for their children to give them a healthy, happy and educational life.

Act on your ideas. What would you like to do? What would you like to see?

Justice...there is justice. We need to work as a community though. For the little guy (or...young lady) out there, not so sure they think there is justice.

Did you know not every woman that has called the Domestic Violence Hotline has followed through on her act and desire as well as hope for the future....to break away.

Statistics by the Department of Justice are staggering and thought provoking. They are staggering in every arena.

We can be comforted to know, that our country is working diligently to conquer the issue of domestic violence, however, it is not enough. As a nation, we must press on further and make a movement is restorative practices.

As communities all across America, we give hope, love, motivation and spread peace while comforting and giving these ladies a voice. Though the picture above is not in America, we work with women in every area to empower from domestic violence.


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