Sing A Song
For whatever reason, the song, ‘Up On The Roof Top’ came to me. Now, I know that is Christmas song, however, I think I’m usually in a Christmas-type mood. Singing, happy, like to be encouraging to people (even if I don’t know them) and to give gifts, one of my favorite action moves.

During the summer months, one might think, hmmm, up on the roof top might mean someone is getting a new roof on their house. In Peru, or, even Ecuador, the roof top is someone’s backyard! That is where they hang clothes out to dry, because, in some cases, there may not be a dryer. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty civilized in Ecuador. One can also find dogs up on the house top, barking as they usually do or just simply running around.

I say all of this so you will just be singing a song, even if it could be a sweet Christmas melody. Enjoy these summer months. And although we are all preparing for our exciting, Independence Day, we can surely enjoy some Christmas cheer (also reminds me of the movie ELf...anyone watched? So funny!!) in the summer months. 

One does not have to think about finances (whether increases is needed, looked for, or, you simply have everything your heart desires and there is no second thought about your finances) with Christmas music on. Think about the lovely mood that it puts you in and meditate on that joy. That will get you from point A to L, M, N, or beyond that quite fast.

Sing in the shower, sing in the rain, sing while you fix your garden up or while you clean your dishes and make your bed. Whatever combination you choose, whether it be named here or something else you desire, sing a song and empower yourself to what you ‘choose’.
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Blessings to all and I look forward to your feedback. Cheerio.


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