Confident Communication

How do you spell 'confident communication'? How do you know it's there (as in within you)? Does it look like a bowl of jello or whipped cream? It most certainly can! But, more than likely, one can see you confident communication when you walk down the street, or, in the grocery store.
How about when you go on one of those fun job interviews? Are you nervous, biting your nails or sitting calmly ready to answer questions, and, of course, ask questions about your potential new job?

What about when you go shake the hands of the person who may be hiring you? Do you convey positive, confident communication when you look that person in the eye and give them an uber hand shake?

Confident communication comes from within. It's how you feel about yourself and knowing that you can do whatever it is that you are going for.

Often times, after having dealt with a domestic violence situation, women probably don't feel that way. However, women that have conquered this arena in their lives, are very strong women, that eventually exude a confidence that is radiant. It's the kind of radiance that you see from a beautiful sunrise.

So, feel good about yourself because you've overcome some stuff girlfriend! I am so excited that your confidence is growing and it's important to love yourself. The more you love yourself, the more excited you are going to be day after to day and you will begin to see a significant difference.

Thanks for joining in, we'll talk more later. Blessings, Eileen


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