Tips from your Tongue you want to know


Reaching people from all walks of life, no more strife.

Why the frown? Were you beat down? I was.

I changed my sadness into joy.

I wish it had been overnight, would have been a delight.

What matters, I rose- up beyond my imagination.

You can, too, even when you feel blue.

Empowerment starts with you.

Here are some tips, take some sips:

Meditate on Ephesians 3:20- we have the power within us to do the miraculous

He said, she said- if the conversation or message was not encouraging, dust it off (Matthew 10:14), cleansing prayer. If you need more explanation, come join us Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Owasso Community Center.

In the Book of James, the power of the tongue, what does that mean for you? The tip here is read this chapter, it will make a big difference.

I remember reading James in 2010. The Words jumped off the page and the results, remarkable. I was stunned!

Know whose you are. Yes, you are your own person, but you belong to Jesus Christ, so, you are an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you need to make changes (we all do, right?), recognize.

Cast off old patterns to the cross.

When you do life different, makes a difference. No change, no difference.

Women Empowerment Solutions- empowering women from domestic violence







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