Solving the Ninety-Seven

Beating the Heat

The ice crushes into your glass and you drink, no mask!
Relaxing time to unwind and ideas start to come to mind.
The days ahead look promising despite what is on the news, many blues.
You think about a compliment given earlier in the day and know it's going to be okay.
Encouragement from your neighbor, oh the weeks labor.
Provision is coming, the dress in the mall, ahhh....stunning.
Solve the Ninety-Seven: No sweat!

You can still look good in almost hundred degree weather,
your name doesn't have to be Heather.

You are your own boss, you have the secret sauce: Fan, air conditioning,
swamp cooler, cold drinks, swimming pool, the lake, the cool gym,
a walk with a water bottle, cold shower, thin clothing.

Remember to protect your skin in the heat: oils, thin long sleeves, lotions, hats, sunglasses, and shade.

Your dreams come true as you're working them through- the heat doesn't have to get the best of you.

Visions for your tomorrow, bright and beautiful....even in the summer heat.
Friends, faith, fellowship, the park, at church, at your home...there's freedom in all of it.
Even more, love and kindness, boldness and courage,
rising like you've never seen yourself before...even in the summer heat.

Where does the courage come from? Something you eat or drink? Someone you spend time with?
Courage comes from within you (God lives in you). Encouragement can also come from a movie, a friend, something hopeful or something you read.

Remember, all things are possible through God- He strengthens everyone! (scriptural)

Women Empowerment Solutions- empowering women from domestic violence


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