A world with new lenses
The world moving ahead looks fast-paced (as it's always been), decisions to be made, and countless people to meet and greet.
Ladies who have been affected by domestic violence see this as overwhelming (because it can be, even for the everyday person).
When thinking about a new place to live, consider various options. Here are some pointers for women coming from domestic abuse situations starting over.
Location in the Fast-Paced World
Location is everything. When you are working on a budget, you are keeping in mind housing costs- what you are looking for in a home, and first and foremost, do you and will you feel safe there? Is it in a rural area or by a lake (might sound the same but are not)? Does it have a pool? How is the security system, if any? Searching for a new home is fast-paced and tiring, maybe you could ask for help in this area.
Another area to consider is the floor model, colors, patterns, and styles of the home can be equally crucial for your satisfaction and psyche.
I can remember a time where very dark red curtains, walls, or other home interior areas would not make me too happy- it was a reminder of previous abusive years. Today, I am still not fond of these colors for the home interior. It's OK if it's at someone else's house, but not mine. Getting past this takes time if ever you do get passed it.
The Decision to be made
What location is best for you? If you are a believer, the first thing is to look for the right church. You may need to do some research to find the right one (what's important to you? If you are not a believer yet, I encourage you to visit a few churches, giving them a try two or three times before you dive in. Then, after regularly attending each Sunday in a month, start participating and getting involved in areas you can offer your giftings in the church. For example, if you are good at cleaning, offer to help clean the church. If you are good at cooking, offer to cook something at a church, get together, or Sunday class. The list is long and mighty; you'd be surprised what could come from your time, energy, and talents.
So now that you have your new home and church located, there are more fast-paced areas to consider.
Be mindful of the decisions you make- will they be short or long term, and how will you be affected or empowered? What is your motive behind the choices you are making? These are essential questions to ask yourself. If you need help with them, it's wise to seek counsel, whether with a counselor or someone from your church, or perhaps from a trusted friend. A side note, if you speak with a trusted friend, what are their values?
Meet and Greet
This is an obstacle for some, depending on your personality type, and if you've experienced isolation. I had experienced loneliness even with all my schooling and degree-type, it took me a bit of time to bring my "true" self-back to the forefront and not be so shy. Honestly, with the life God gave me, I never started off shy.
One way to beat these blues and non-characteristic Godly traits is to get out! Meet and greet people. It doesn't matter if you walk down the street and meet some of your neighbors. You'll find yourself having to push yourself at times, but you will see a difference.
You can begin this remedy by going to church and shaking a few hands. You'll be surprised by the glorious outcome.
Another excellent opportunity is Toastmasters. I joined this group years ago and was heavily involved for 3-4 years. It helped me in ways that nobody else could, equipping with various tools for a lifetime!
You are on your way to a better life, here it comes, get ready!
The Beautitudes
While there are many, the first is Bless are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:1.
So, remember if you have struggled with domestic violence, yours is the kingdom of heaven. God is good all the time and He has not forgotten you, no, not ever! He will lift you up and guide...just ask!
Be blessed.
Women Empowerment Solutions- Freedom from Domestic Violence
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