Your best protection beats any security system

Photo Credit: Eileen Seefluth in Toronto, Canada
Protection comes in various ways; security systems, locked doors, alarms, support from people, law enforcement, pepper spray (when needed and if used properly), and something else not usually mentioned, Psalm 91.
There are 16 verses to take a hold of and marinate several minutes in.
Oklahomans may very well couple prayer with this scripture when Timmy the tornado whips through Oklahoma with his bad self.
Speaking/reading scripture out loud, especially this one gives you the sense of His holy presence. With this powerful scripture you can be assured Here s wings surround you.
You don’t have to be afraid of the night or do, no matter what is going on.
We all know how wild tornadoes get in Oklahoma, there is no doubt about. But what is profound, and when you call on Jesus to be your secret place, inviting Him in, He is thrilled you’ve called Him to empower you with His protection.
Moving forward from domestic violence isn’t always easy. You have a variety of emotions going on, and you are trying to take care of yourself, kids, your job, the house, bills, and more.
When you get a few minutes, quiet yourself down in a nice ‘secret place’ so you and Jesus can hang out and you can ask Him anything. He’s been waiting on you, delighted to hear your request, and move on your behalf.
He loves you and nothing will ever stop Him from loving you. He is love.
If you do not know Jesus yet, I invite you to call Women Empowerment Solutions and we will pray with you. We are happy to speak with you, sharif the Word of God, empowering you in ways you never thought possible.
Remember, everything and anything is possible with Lord Jesus Christ.
Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence
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