Picture chapter five of tsunami

Strategies in design so please incline your ear

have no fear for you are not the rear

you follow with passion and keen understanding not demanding

your heart is open though you have been wounded and booted

you have no trouble standing tall, and your learning about Matthew and Paul

a couple of disciples you say, and I know not, been sleeping on a cot, playing dot-to-dot

you will learn more as you go forth, eye-openers, revelation, soak in meditation no guessing station

your load will lighten and your days will brighten

you have seen and heard too much woe, times are changing, it's time for a glow

smart is your name with a strong foundation frame not some dame

you are worthy and valuable, loved and believed

the new wave is coming; tsunami

new job, new life, new thinking, new ways, definitely brand new days

the sun comes up tomorrow, washes all the sorrow

deposit is paid, full and complete seat and no delete

something for your smile and it will stay a while

new chapter and no more captor (how about that?!)

God bless you on your new found freedom and God-given authority! Use it wisely.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence



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