What Do You Actually See?

As you walk through yur neighborhood or community, take a good look. What do you actually see?

One morning, as I was walking through a section of Tulsa, I soaked in nature around me.

Although there were plenty of distractions around, I chose to focus on the beauty. There are so many lovely things to look at and look out for, one just needs to think about the sweetness all around, as there are plenty of gorgeous things to look at and be aware of.

So as you move forward and are empowered from domestic violence, think about how God is washing off your bruises and healing your heart and soul from all the hurts- choose to focus on all the exciting things that are coming your way.

Perhaps you have a new job, a promotion, a new place to live- think, growth mindset. This will help you see things in a different manner and open opportunities and possibilities for you.

Be encouraged to hang out with some good friends- know you are heard and know that you are beautiful; does not matter your size or what you see right now on the outside (if like what you see, wonderful, if you need to work on what you see, then work on that- but all beauty comes from the inside my dear).

You will start to see your strengths. What are you good at? Do your best at it, whatever that is.
What makes you smile? Get some more of it.
Choose positive things. Talk positive. Lose the distractions or entanglements.
Look forward to the sunshine and big belly laughs and get out with people. The body of Christ is important to mingle with, so saturate yourself with Godly people and watch yourself morph into your desired self, an empowered woman from domestic violence- now tell me what you actually see.


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