Why You Should Check Your Back-to-School Inventory Time


                                           Photo Courtesy: Pixabay


Sitting on the corner, not in Winslow, Arizona, but in Oklahoma!

What do you see?

Kids going back to school, everywhere.

What does this mean for you?

More free time? Going back to school yourself?

What about having time with friends? Maybe you'd like to volunteer at an organization you are fond of, or, which has special meaning to you.

Whatever the case is, you have a clock ticking with time to fill.

You would like to publish your resume for jobs you are interested in and not sure how to go about it.

Check for insights how in this blog how you can attract employers.

Take Inventory

Be sure to take inventory of all your skills. You can answer the phone, most people can do that, but do they do it well? 

Your tone of voice is everything over the phone. People can see your smile even though they cannot actually see you.

Your phone etiquette is another very important element of phone skills. I am sure you all have this down to a "T."

How are your computer skills?

What programs can you easily use? No worries if you do not know any of them now, they are available at your disposal and you can learn as you focus and realign your mindset.

So far, we have phones, computers, programs, what else do you think you need?

Math skills. Reading and writing. What about current events? Stay abreast on what is going on in Christian news. Then, when asked a question, or, when the opportunities arises, you can easily engage in the conversations and make new connections as you would like.

I get it, a portion of the population are introverts, and others, not so much.

If you have been through domestic violence, chances are you are ready to cross over the bridge to a new life. With the "highlights" of this blog, you will find plenty of bridges to take you where you want and need to go.

I am so excited for you! You are on your way, not standing on any more corners wondering what to do with your time and expertise. Now you have a few ideas to rocket you to the next level of empowerment supporting your family the way you would like to. Congratulations! 

Blessings always,

Eileen Seefluth, CEO, Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc.

& Creative Christian Copywriter, www.EileenSeefluth.com


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