Phone Drives Right Neighbor to the Fruit of the Spirit in Trust

                                            Photo Courtesy: Pixabay-Pexels

MaryAnne was making scrambled eggs when the doorbell rang.

She put the skillet to the burner on the other side for half a second while she answered the door.

While her neighbor was at the door for help, her mascara was drizzling down her face, she could not keep it together and her hands were shaking, she was in disbelief.

MaryAnne asked her neighbor, whom she'd never met before because she has only moved in recently, "what's going on? Can I help you?"

The neighbor, Patricia, said she needed to make a phone call since her spouse had taken her phone from her. MaryAnne did not understand why her mobile device was taken.

Patricia said she turned off the "tracking" from her phone and her spouse did not like it. So, she made the "choice," it was time to move forward in life, she could not think of a better person to call than her mother, since they are close.

Moving Forward from Domestic Abuse

After making the choice to move forward from domestic abuse, it's good to already have a support system whether your mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, grandparents, or someone else you can truly trust. But, in this case where they did not know each other, Patricia was brave making a bold move, and "new choices" take bravery. 

Trust is important in everything we do from business and relationships, and any other type of transactions as well.

In most cases, people do business with people whom they already know, building a relationship.

As you move forward, areas of trust probably need healing as it has been severed by the one whom you were in a close relationship and may have sparked cuts of trust with other people as well.

The definition of trust from the online Oxford Dictionary is: "Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Relations have to be built on trust."

To help with trust, you will want to recognize the Fruit of the Spirit when you get to know a person:

Photo Couresy: Internet: Micro Bing


You can find these in Galatians 5:22.  

Galatians is the book about delivery. It doesn't deliver soda, popcorn, and pizza, but it does deliver a promise from God. Give it a try and read and meditate in this book, even if you do not understand it, God will speak to you through it.

Trust has to do with love.

Have you ever heard of a "trust" account at the bank? Trust accounts are built on love.

A trust account is a legal arrangement in which the grantor allows a third party, the trustee, to manage assets on behalf of the beneficiaries of the trust (Google...who doesn't Google?). 

Nobody is giving money without trust. Trust is love. 

A main reason for a trust account in to control who receives your assets. Trust, trust, trust. Trust is love.

Back to the phone scenario.

Trust who you are with. Love who you are with. Phone tracking can be good as long it is not used in a manipulative way, where in the case with Patricia, it was manipulative as the guy had a fit and took her phone.

You can be sure by discerning the fruits of the spirit, you will know how to discern who is good and begin to know WHO you can trust.

Remember, trust is love.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc.
Empowering Women Against Domestic Violence Through Biblical Principles.

If you have a positive comment, or questions, feel free to write back.

Written By:
Eileen Seefluth
Creative Christian Writer
& CEO Women Empowerment Solutions


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