See 10 New Items without Paper and Plastic

New kitchen- This is where all the cooking and baking happens. Some people stay in the kitchen to visit when they have company, you might be one. The kitchen sets a tone of friendship and fellowship, especially in the body of Christ. One of the keys to empowerment from domestic violence is friendship and companionship for your endeavors, areas you need to talk about, and receive healing. The more you discuss what's going on in your life and how you want to progress and just "tell-all," there's a release that happens, not stowing away all the "gruff" from mellow drama.

 In your now moments, you relish the beauty of the designs you have made, whether in speech, decorations, and set-up for your kitchen, or the newcomers in your life. Congratulations, you are making a difference in your life and others.

New hope- What do you see from afar? Today you are doing___? Even if you are at home, what are you doing for your future? Often, the picture may look foggy and musky, humidity couldn't break it up- but you can—your dreams matter. When you put hope in the mix, you find the perfect recipe for what WILL work. You may hope to start school. Then you wonder, where is money? Funds are the tool, not the goal. SO, it's like saying, where's the screwdriver? You can easily buy any device from Target, Walmart, Walgreens, Lowe's, or a variety of stores.  What are you going to do? You figure out how you will "make" the dough, and you can because God's already given you so much to work, aka, your gifts. Invite hope in your prayers. You could say, "God, thank you for what you have done for me already. I am grateful. I invite hope to invade me and guide me, as in the Books of Thessalonians I & II- the scriptures are all about hope. Thank you, Father, for your leading and guiding. You have already written the book and have all the answers. Praise you, Father. Amen"

Hope gives you a dream. You hope for a "raise, something more. What is in between hope and the prize? Action, prayer, mindset, just to name a few- you have the means to take action, speak out your request and declarations-Remember,  you may need to change your mindset- I had to (choose to) at one point, it made all the difference.

Hope is encouragement, positive thinking, knowing of something bigger and better.

New thinking- You are looking at a new mindset here. You do not have a "limited" mentality because you are thinking outside the box, remember? You have unique ways of living life- whatever that looks like for you. Ask the Lord to guide you. You can also "declare" it over yourself. Declare you have a mind like Christ, that will catapult you to a new level. Wowzer!

New-season- Like summer, autumn, winter, spring, there is a season for everything. What does your new season look? Empowerment for all you do; work, finance, friends, activities, thinking, and more, right?

New fragrance- Peace, courage, boldness, value, integrity, love, faith, hope, worthiness, you walk in these fragrances- how about that? People notice a "difference" when you walk in the room. 

New film- You have a new "movie" for yourself. Keep working at it.

New- surroundings:  are from the north, south, east, and west,  so you are protected by the blood of Christ. Who are you with most of the time? Make sure you take notes.
New faith- Faith comes by hearing, not seeing. So, listen up for what you hear. Rule out any negative. You know you are excellent and lovely. You know that God has righteousness for you- you choose.

For more newness, come to Women Empowerment Solutions Support Groups, starts August 20, 2020- every Thursday evening at the Owasso Community Center in the Eagles Room, starting at 6p-7p. Looking forward to seeing you there and what God is going to in our meeting time.

Recap: New kitchen, new hope, new thinking, new season, new fragrance, new surrounds, release, mindset, approaches, prayer life.  Some may have been highlighted more than others, but you get the idea.

Father God, I thank you for all my readers. Thank you Lord for all the ladies and empowering them from domestic violence. Grateful that you are taking them to higher ground, new levels, and catapulting them to new dimensions beyond their imagination good. Praise you Father God for healing their confidence and restoring their boldness and courage. Each one has your love and guidance from you. A part of heaven is in each one. I pray for continued justice for them and your peace. In your precious name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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