Mirror in your hand, how do you stand?

January is both a cold and new month

A time when you want to do different stuff

Whether starting a new job

And wearing patterned apparel

Or driving a car with leather interior

That fact is now, you are not inferior.

In various ways, quite superior.

Look in the mirror

Life couldn’t be more clear

You have a path in front of you to fill

Nothing gets put on the windowsill.

Each area takes work

You will eventually start to dance the Twerk-

Your spark and perk luminate everywhere you go

It becomes your regular flow.

Gone are the days where you feel cheap and unworthy

Because there’s a fresh new confidence in you

Vibrantly filled and Holy Spirit sealed.

Nobody can wreck you

You are in charge

In full control of yourself with guidance from God

Watch 2020 in amazement and interact with engagement.

Women Empowerment Solutions- Freedom from Domestic Violence



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