Gain your power back & radiate it sevenfold

A wonderous word that is something you own, however…you can give it away if you are not careful.
 {please do not do that}.

Here is what I found:

Definition of confidence
 (Entry 1 of 2)
1a: a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed met the risk with brash confidence
b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way have confidence in a leader
2: the quality or state of being certain: CERTITUDE they had every confidence of success
3a: a relation of trust or intimacy took his friend into his confidence
b: reliance on another's discretionTheir story was told in strictest confidence.
c: support especially in a legislative body vote of confidence
4: a communication made in confidence: SECRET accused him of betraying a confidence

In the book of Hebrew, it talks about not flinging away your confidence, which, if you have been bullied by domestic violence, it has probably been a hard thing for you to keep a hold of.
Today, as I am writing, I have had to rely on my contacts since my glasses broke (that's the first time that's EVER happened). Sure, I have confidence, but do I have them in my contacts? Will they truly support my eye-vision as I work with writing, reading, and other activities? I'm sure praying they will!

Some of you ladies may be praying the same thing about other issues. Praying you don't miss another day of work because the perpetrator has done a variety of actions to jumble your day.
Back in the day when that happened to me, I went to work anyway. I'm not telling you to do that; it's tough to focus on your job after you have been mistreated, especially by someone that has said they love you.

Confidence stands up to whatever opposition. Often, that can and does get hairy because the opponent cannot stand it. But, you can speak to the situation, which is what I have had to do.
You say, "For me and my house will serve the Lord."

With this statement, you are decreeing and declaring who you serve. It sure isn't the accuser.
You do, hopefully, serve the King of the Universe, Jesus. With this choosing, comes great reward.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence



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