The next steps are like an 80s fan: What?!

Nearly ten years ago, I created Women Empowerment Solutions.

The reason for the creation; restoring women's lives who have a history of abuse and ministering empowerment.

I combine my education (radio and television broadcasting with my communications degree) and my own experience as a survivor, research, and the Word of God.

Women Empowerment Solutions is a faith-based organization. This is about guiding women from a low place after having been affected by domestic violence to a higher level of who they honestly are. We do this through prayer and third- party Christian Counseling. We also offer group sessions, which are similar to Round Table, combining years of talent, education, gifts, experience, knowledge, and the gospel. With this, it is factual, women thrive to the next level. It's not overnight, but certainly quicker than if someone were just to sit around watching television, hoping for something to happen.
In the duration, I have interviewed some wonderful women, those affected by domestic violence with pearls of wisdom. I am confident that these are educational and homerun- hitting for you seeking to fill the gap (whatever that might look like for you).

While creating all the media, it has taken a bit of time (can you imagine the travel involved, appointments, equipment, computer editing, etc. and so forth).

With that said, then coming up with the appropriate keywords to match it all.

Here is where the stumble wiggled in: YouTube used to have a clear-cut method for blocking, "suggested videos" from appearing after videos. 

Derogatory messages are NOT part of Women Empowerment Solutions- that is not what we are about.

Instead, as mentioned above, we are about empowering women from domestic violence. We use positive and encouraging words, not derogatory anything. We will not use derogatory methods to explain our mission, goals, desires, values, or any media to convey our content.

This is how the enemy operates. Turning something that is meant for good, empowering, and progression, to disgust. We will not have it.

During this time, we are working diligently on a solution.

That, too, is in pattern sequence, as domestic violence is as well.

I am grateful for the teamwork. Women Empowerment Solutions has a team that is well knowledgeable, diligent, all-persevering, and will conquer this issue.

We appreciate your patience and hope that you will enjoy the interviews and videos that we have approved, clean, educational, and nonintrusive. We sincerely apologize for any video that wiggled its way in without our permission.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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