Empowering Tips

Where does Kristin go when she needs a place to stay with her two little ones and has work in the morning? She just had a crisis with the guy she's been living with for three years and is crushed.

Even though sometimes it may not look like it, we surely are blessed people ( how can I say that after the first paragraph? Keep reading love).

If you take a look around and know that today is the day for making the best decisions ever made. 

Kristin has opportunities that she wouldn't have had 20 or 30 years ago. Perhaps she was a young girl then and her mother, the generation before was in a domestic violence situation.

The opportunities at hand today include a safe place to go and get not only shelter, but counseling as well. There are 800 numbers for the national domestic hotline, billboards directing her, many listening ears all around that will help with whatever Kristin or any other young lady (or any aged lady) might need.

There's clothing available. If you need to go to work and your clothes have been cut up, thrown out in the rain, hidden from you, locked up, there is hope.

There's a network of connections for each woman out there. Have faith and know that you will be helped.

Your not stupid even if you were told you are- you are not. You are very smart and I am super excited for you getting away from the punches, yelling, cursing, abusive behavior. 

Stretch. You will find the key to your hopes and your dreams and they are not that for away.

I can tell you these things because I know, I have been there and I can assure you, once you get going and are out of the nasty atmosphere, things are just going to get better for you on a daily basis. Keep your chin up and have faith. Remember, faith like a grain of a mustard see and watch the power of Jesus Christ like you never knew! He has your back and all you need to do is believe.


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