Red light green light not just for kids

The beginning of a new season for Makisha starts at the stoplights.
She is indeed in day dream mode where the cards are stacked on her side.
She chooses a card that will forever change her daily schedule, perspectives, choices, and bank account.
Still during the daylight hours, she and her boyfriend pull into a grocery story parking lot. Going in for groceries as it’s dinner time, they have a few items to purchase as well as breakfast stuff, too.
Kiddo is in the top of the basket and while Mark gets ready to go to the meat section, Makisha picks up little Samuel and rushes to the cereal aisle.
With Mark at the other end of the grocery store searching for the right meats, she bolts for the exit with two year old Samuel.
Rushing to the bus station and just so happens she catches a ride for several miles into another town.
Meanwhile, Mark walks up and down the aisles searching for Makisha and her little one. He finds her nowhere. Since Makisha does not have a cell phone, he cannot call her as he would like.
This scenario, and various others similar to it are daily occurrences for women around the globe. Oklahoma still ranks in the top percentile for women battered by domestic abuse.
While domestic violence is against the law, unfortunately, it is s reality for so many women right her in Oklahoma and through the nation as well as abroad.
Women are encouraged to call 911 for immediate assistance, and seek medical attention if attacked by strangulation. The resources in Oklahoma are phenomenal and continue to grow.
Women Empowerment Solutions is a faith-based charitable organization having your best interest in mind, lifting you up in prayer, supporting you with the Word of God as well as Group and a plethora of other resources.
The doors will open for you and breakthroughs will be quickening as you continue to seek His Holy Spirit.
Women Empowerment Solutions is for you.
We are excited for your new-found freedom, watching walls crumble off you, and knowing, God has this!
God bless everything you do.
Women Empowerment Solutions- Freedom from domestic violence
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