Honoring Men and Women
Memorial Day is not the happiest day. While you can still eat good food, play outdoor activities, relax, and celebrate- it's totally honoring the United States men and women who have served in the armed forces and died for our countries freedom. Thank you to all who have served our country and who are currently serving America.
On a more personal note, Memorial Day is a momentous day for me as well.
A synopsis of that particular weekend goes like this: Torrential rain beat down on the house many moons ago. "Trying" to make the "transition" in a downpour and gale-type hurricane winds for a new life is not always the best choice (but sometimes it happens- especially in domestic violence cases).
Talk about the hardest part of leaving a domestic violence situation-#obstaclesgalore. All of the emotion bottled up with a cap on so tightly (think-soda, don't explode) or cramming items into your purse and trying to close it and you can't- Ohhhh boyyy.
I was on "alert" (watch like a soldier) all night. If he came around me, I was shewing him away with a Chinese language that I didn't know (nor did the Chinese). I didn't want him any where near me and luckily he was had toned down quite a bit and perplexed, "what is this chic saying?"
Finally, after expending so much energy during the night, I fell asleep, waking up alone in the room: A new day, the sun was shining again- hallelujah.
That was the beginning of the "first" real separation.
It's been close to twenty years for me- I am a survivor, advocate, and ambassador. #lovelife#makegooddecisions#empowermentfromdomesticviolence
It takes time and a lot of healing and restoration and, most of all, forgiveness to move beyond wicked abusive actions.
It's not impossible to move forward, but, once you start, it's similar to eating cake. Once you take a bite, you want more and more, and then you have a full stomach (metaphorically, you have your freedom, a job to pay your bills & more, you have mostly everything you want, hence, full stomach).
It takes diligence (continued effort) and perseverance (concentration, focus) to get what and where you want without exception.
Colossians 1:11-12 (biblegateway.com) reminds us, "be strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
Be aware that you, or someone you know, have what it takes to move forward-whatever that looks like for you (self-esteem, confidence, job, place to live, etc.). Sometimes, it is not always an easy task for men or women to leave their abusers simply because they love that person (but, abuse is not love, on contrar, it's opposite)- Women Empowerment Solutions honors those who did not make it through an abusive situation.
We encourage and empower women that are making changes and moving away from domestic violence, a life free from abuse.
Women Empowerment Solutions-
Freedom from Domestic Violence
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