The Smell Of ...Your Day Job

Hello everyone. Thanks for joining in. The excitement of your day, your job! Let's hope you 
are somewhat excited to start early in the day or whatever time your job starts and do it for 8 hours or more.What does your job smell like to you? Does it smell like money or self gratification...or just paying the bills?

The point of this blog is to point out productivity from women who have been affected by domestic violence and who are now prospering from it.

Did you know that women currently involved in or have recently left  violent relationship are 33% less likely than those in noviolent relationships to maintain stable employment (Wettersten,, 2004)?

Let's empower women from absenteeism, lost wages, and non-productivity  (Matthews, 2004) caused from domestic violence. Since there has been more works published over the decades about the prevalence of 'dv', surely we CAN continue to prosper women that need guidance and the attentive ear to progress forward.

The smell of jobs for women just gets better (talking about moving forward helping one another here): Types of jobs, pay increases, versatility and the long range goals of being productive making our America more beautiful, stable, and even more reputable empowering women from domestic violence.


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