How to Unlock Hope in Your Own Backyard


                                                         Photo Courtesy:


Marianna planted vegetables to eat healthy, for exercise, and she liked knowing you was not eating

any sprays or chemicals.

She started planting in her newly empowered life. With the freedom she now has, the possibilities are


No more dictation from someone whom she loved so dearly telling her what she could or could not


Women from all walks of life from every corner of the United States wonder what's next after 

domestic abuse? I mean, overcoming is a big deal. It's nothing to sneeze at whether as person who,

moved forward and found a new residence, a grown child of parents who have had the domestic issue,

 honestly, the dynamics are varied.

With each baby step, especially in all pray with faith and thanksgiving, the load gets load, horizons 

broaden, and order eradicates any chaos.

Looking at the books of Thessalonians I & II, there is hope. In situations, especially overcoming and 

prospering against domestic abuse, hope is alive. One requirement, you have to grab a hold of it even 

when life's lens looks foggy and dens. 

So many women, including Marianna, have called their local shelters for housing with nothing


The glimmer of hope shines in like the morning sun through your window and you grab a hold of 

it and do not let it go. But many times, it's hard to hold onto hope with a tight leash. Marianna sure held

onto her tight leash, because she is in a new starting place. She's been at her new home since early

spring, hence a vibrant garden now. It has been therapeutic for her digging through the soil while 

sitting, sometimes kneeling in the grass, feeling the wind softly blow through her golden hair and 

it on her face. She feels refreshed from the wind, grass, and planting and babying her plants and 


Marianna did not anything for her vegetable seeds, her new neighbor gave them to her. But if she

needed to spend any money on them, they would have cost very little, under 5 dollars for so many.

Planting seeds and gardening is a great tool to use for grounding and healing. Even if there are 

no seeds to plants, spending time in natural will do the trick.

A Nature Places in Tulsa

Oxley Nature Center at 6700 Mohawk Blvd Tulsa, OK 74115    phone 918-596-9054

Hours: Sunday 12-4:30 PM, Monday CLOSED, Tuesday-Friday 10 AM-4:30 PM

Come see what all the fuss is about in this luxurious outdoor adventure awaiting you! Boasting with

promise, hope, glorious outdoors, you won't be let down. Your heart will beam with joy as you

take in these breathtaking views. Enjoy the walking trails, or just explore from other points to your

hearts content.

* NOTE* No bicycles are allowed

Admission is free. Call and ask about pets.

Tulsa Botanical Gardens 3900 Tulsa Botanic Dr Tulsa, OK 74127     

Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM, Monday CLOSED

Tickets are $12.27

The smells are on! The beautiful aroma from flowers fills the air. Your senses comforted, healing met,

relaxation sets in, your heart beaming with gratefulness, and all the burdens fall off far from you. Give

it a try. There is something special about the universal love language of flowers. They bring joy. You 

see them at weddings, births, celebrations, and more. Tulsa Botanical Garden is sure to lift your mood.

Celebrate your new beginning. The party is on!

Woodward Park and Gardens

2435 S Peoria Ave Tulsa, OK 74114   Phone 918-576-5155

Hours: Sunday and Monday closed, Tuesday-Friday 9 AM- 4 PM, Saturday CLOSED

The gem nestled in heart of Tulsa hugging you with flowers is waiting for you on this 45-acre lot.

You could do so much with this area, and people do! This nostalgic park has loved Tulsans and visitors

 for at least 70 decades and still going strong. See how you will benefit as you take a couple of hours 

out of your day with friends or family and enjoy the beauty.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering Women Against Domestic Abuse

Written by: Eileen Seefluth of Seefluth Consulting, LLC. Your Creative Christian Writing Headquarters 


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