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Happy Resurrection Weekend aka, Easter Sunday

Easter is my favorite time of year. During this time, years ago, I remember when I truly had some “aha” moments that helped me to “rise” up and changed my life forever.

First, was when I had my youngest child, which was close to Easter.

I remember looking in my sweet infant’s eyes thinking, “you will not have to endure domestic violence, you will have a much better life.”

There, I had made the decision, I am leaving a very tenured marriage, I just did not know when or how, it was a difficult decision.

The next “aha” moment was when one of my youth-aged children walked through the door with exclamation points at the end of each derogatory sentence. What an epiphany for me.

Of course, I investigated and learned more about the outbursts.

When we, as people, learn more, we become educated, don’t we?

What is the education all about?

It can be of numerous topics.

For the sake of this writing, we are talking about empowerment from domestic violence. What are the solutions? How do you move forward?

Though they seem like tough questions, they are not, and I will tell you why and how.

Some solutions are the environment (1) What does your home environment look like for you? Is it safe? What are the people like in your home? In God’s Word, we have safety, it says so in Psalm 125:1-5.  You can also lean on Psalm 91, in its entirely. You can count on God He will never forsake you or leave you. Make sure you invite His Holy Spirit in first though. It is like having security cops around, but you did not call them, so are they going to be present, you know?

Solutions are your confidence (2) Your confidence comes from the Lord. Whether you believe in Christ or not, your confidence (your everything comes from Him). Can you feel the answers coming from your gut? That is where He is hanging out.

I once read in a magazine you cannot fly a plane without a fuselage. This is so true. This is the main part of the airplane. Just like you and I, we, too, cannot go about our daily lives without our mainframe. Some people indeed go day to day without confidence, but they do not live well.

A person must have confidence for their job or to look for a job. Confidence is part of your solution. Remember, Christ says, “do not fling away your confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward.” Hebrews 10:35 AMP, of course, this is the short version.

Solutions are in Jesus Christ (actually, the first) How do we know, His Word says so, and I am a living testimony, this why I have created Women Empowerment Solutions.

Please, check us out at our next Power Groups: Monday April 26th & Wednesday, April 28th. Monday’s Group is at the Nutrition in Collinsville, Oklahoma at 2p. The Wednesday Group is at Battle Creek Church is Owasso, Oklahoma at 6p. Look forward to seeing you. Our Guest Speaker for April Author, Holly Gideon-Rehberg.

Women Empowerment Solutions- Empowerment from Domestic Violence







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