What to find in your sink

 Picture a deep sink here before you begin reading....

The word empowerment has eleven letters for you to pen, speak out, and believe.

The E is excellent by nature, energizing in an auditory sense, and makes you eager to follow through with your goals.

The M has workplace vibrancy and you are mastering skills maybe you never thought were possible.

You muscle through your endeavors, whatever that may look like to you. Master the process, mow the obstacles down where nothing stands in your way.

The “P” stands for itself—Power! You have power and authority in the Holy Spirit for your God-given destiny. So exciting! A promise you can stand on for the rest of your life. Even more, you have dunamis power— like  dynamite.

The “O” represents optimism, an opal (jewel), and the ocean of faith. You thrust with oxygen from heaven, and wow, shiny movement with gusto.

“W” is all the questions you ask (who, what, where, when & of course, how)— you are indeed a winner! Woman, you know the truth will set you free— the truth about yourself is soooo good. 

Maybe you’ve had to work through a few kinks, that’s okay, haven’t we all?

E’s go along way in building words, don’t they? How could anyone ever do without the E? You are EAGER to learn all you can. Maybe some days, you wish life was a little bit easier. Surely you will find life as a party, each and every day.

Party in the sense you have much to live for. New friends to make, engage in activities you love, surround yourself with the right people.

R is for the right path. If you are here, you are on the right path. We speak empowerment from domestic violence. We speak life straight to you.

You can easily declare your voice is rising and courage is, too.

Areas where you have seen challenges, declare hinderances gone, in Jesus’ Mighty name, amen.

Continue to know who you are in Christ. If you don’t know yet, I encourage you to read your bible. Ask God where he wants you to start reading.

If you need hope, go to the book of Thessalonians.

If you need joy, Philippians has you covered.

If you need armor, the book of Ephesians is good for you.

If you need a clean out, the book of Psalms will do just that and more!

If you need more energy, stamina, and strength, the books of John 1, II, & III will work well for you.

If you need testimonies/parables, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John will fill you up and open your eyes to clarity.

If you need help with what words you say daily,  the book of James will guide you and speak in volumes to your spirit.

Chew on this and have a wonderful weekend. Bless you!

Women Empowerment Solutions— Empowering Women from Domestic Violence


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