Patterns and choices

Karlie was dating a hot Italian guy for nine months- things were going great.

As she started spending more time with her friends, Charlie wasn't too thrilled.

She broke up with him and a week later, found a new boyfriend. This guy was a spoonful of sexy with a smile fit for any magazine. She dated "Ty" for seven months before she realized he'd get so mad about what foods she'd order when they went out to eat. Karlie decided she was done with him too.

As Karlie spoke with her girlfriends on an outing, one friend said "look at your patterns, why do you keep dating the 'rough' guys?" Karlie took note and decided she was going to take a break from the dating scene. She had a boyfriend every year since she was 16.  Now that she is 22, she has noticed that none of them have worked out.

* She is now recognizing red flags
* Making better choices
* Has boundaries (tightened)
* Cut off patterned behavior
*Changed her mindset a bit about what's acceptable and what is not.

Certainly, Karlie is very smart for figuring these important pieces now and exercising a timeline-knowing what's good or not.

"Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approved what God's will is this good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 (not sure which version this time, something I saw from my book).

Women Empowerment Solutions


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