Knowing Gives Assurance

The laws for each state are different. Which state is yours and which laws do you know better than others? Take time to get to know your state laws. 

Now, you may not be interested in all of them, but, it would be a good idea to find out what applies to you and why or why not, right?

It's kind of like the Constitution of the United States; you should know. If you don't, take a few minutes to look it over each day until you become familiar with your rights as a citizen of America.

Which takes me to, being a woman in America. We definitely have rights living in America. The rights we have just don't fill up a cereal or salad bowl full, it's more than that.

There are supporters all over our great nation. Whether one stops to call the hotline to call for help or stops to look for a place to go, there is help.

Sometimes women getting away from domestic violence have all that they need; a place to go, food, clothing, transportation, they just need someone to talk to that is not going to judge them from where they came.

It's like dragging luggage around that is labeled: guilt, shame, aftermath, where's the worthiness, what happen to the confidence....

Thankfully, every woman can drop all those names on the side of the road and leave them there because she doesn't have to carry the guilt, there's no reason to be guilty or any of the other labels mentioned.

It is awesome we live in a country that is free. We can go to church, we can go to the park and have a picnic with friends and family, we can go to work and make money to pay our bills and take care of our children and raise them to perfection....that all takes work, doesn't it? You bet it does.

Find happiness within yourself and know that there is help. Empowering Women From Domestic Violence is all around America and abroad as well.

Keep the faith and know that you are loved and someone is available to listen.


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