Anna- Lisa's Determination

Even though it is just the day after Memorial Day, I still want to share these writings with you that I found in my notes, I just find it 'fitting'.

It was a rainy Memorial Day weekend and Anna Lisa was tired. Tired of jumping through the hoops of  Domestic Violence.

A beautiful woman, hair like that of coffee without all the cream and sugar, eyes like Betty Crocker brownies; delightful and rich, and a heart that just wants to be loved and to give love.

Who'd listen to what she'd have to say? It's not like she was running for president....or better yet, something a little bit more low key, how about....PTA mom?! With her gift of gab (when the opportunity presents itself....helps her blossom out of her shell) and raising money for the school (and they need it!! Do you know a school that doesn't??), coupled with her love for the children, she's a sure-fire, well-versed momma.

So even though school IS out for the summer and all of the officers for the upcoming school year have already been elected, Anna-Lisa has some time to prepare throughout this summer, get engaged with the school PTA this fall and be ready next spring to make her mark with the PTA with all the ideas she has and bring them to life.

What does this have to do with Memorial Day? I'm glad you asked. Anna-Lisa has goals. She may have been wounded previously from Domestic Violence, however, she is looking beyond all of the bruises and washing them away with healing and encouragement.

If there is something that you wish to do, go for it. Don't let anything stop you from positive progress. Determination is one of your best friends.

I'm excited to have this blog and grateful to my computer guru for making this happen.


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